Steven J. Onorato

Mountain View, CA 94043 • Contact me at



Talented software engineer, enthusiastic about always finding better ways to rapidly produce solutions that are robust, scalable, flexible, maintainable, and useful.

Programming Languages & Tools


•    Specialties: Java 5, Eclipse JDT

•    Comfortable with: C++, C, C#, Visual Studio, CVS, Subversion, Apache Ant, JUnit 4, XML/XSD, JAXB, Windows 2000/XP, Linux, bash & csh shells/scripting, JSP, SQL, JDBC, JDeveloper, MS Word/Excel/Visio/PowerPoint

•    Experience with (but currently rusty): Perl, PL/SQL, JavaScript, CSS, DirectX 9, OpenGL, MS XNA, MS XDK, Swing, SWT, i386 and MIPS assembly, Verilog, MATLAB, COM, SML, ASP, VBScript, MS Access



Member of Technical Staff, Senior Member of Technical Staff

July 2004 – Present

Oracle Corporation • Redwood Shores, CA

•    Contributed to several projects within Oracle Enterprise Manager Provisioning

•    Produced Java APIs, XML Schemas, functional specifications, UI designs, JUnit system tests, Ant buildfiles, a JDeveloper extension using Swing and JDBC, JSPs using the Oracle UIX tag library, model JavaBeans and controller logic for a J2EE servlet

•    Other skills used: Java multithreading, Java remote debugging, JAXB class generation, Java localization/internationalization, writing SQL queries, PL/SQL debugging

Software Design Engineer Intern

May – Aug 2003

Microsoft Corporation • Redmond, WA

•    Worked in the Visual C# IDE and C# compiler codebase to add new features for Visual C# 2005 (part of Visual Studio 2005)

•    Gained experience using C++ and COM in an enormous codebase

Summer Intern (Software Developer / Technical Support Analyst)

May – Aug 2002

Object Technology International • Phoenix, AZ

•    Learned about the Eclipse Platform, the J9 Java VM, and SWT during a week of training

•    Wrote a Java bytecode and J9ROM viewer Eclipse plug-in, based on a stand-alone version

•    Primary developer of a networked space combat game to demonstrate the J9 implementation of the MIDP (Mobile Information Device Profile) API

•    Tested monthly builds of J9 and its class libraries with Sun’s J2ME TCKs (technology compatibility kits) on numerous platforms



B.S., Computer Science & B.S., Electrical and Computer Engineering

2000 – 2004

Carnegie Mellon University • Pittsburgh, PA

•    QPA: 3.8 / 4.0

•    Relevant Courses: Compiler Design, Algorithms, Graphics, Game Programming, Networks, Operating Systems, Signals and Systems, Advanced Digital Design Project

•    Coolest Project: Spring 2004 Game Programming: Designing and developing a DirectX 9 game, porting it to the Xbox, and polishing it, all in the span of 3 months with one other developer.  Voted “Best Overall Game” (out of 20) on demo day.